Tux | LINE Skis

Fall usually marks the beginning of the ski season, with skiers heading up to the glacier to enjoy some laps with the homies and dust off those cobwebs from summer. Fall also marks the beginning of the ski movie season. In October, LINE was hosting a premiere in Innsbruck; this felt like an excellent opportunity to round up all the European athletes for an impromptu team shoot. See more behind Tux: Crew: Daniel Loosli, Migi Reibenshcuh, Julius Champion, Chris McCormick, Anouk Andraska, Jakob Ebskamp, Thomas Trifonitchev, Robert Ruud, Leo Landro, Lalo Rambaud, Marius Dunoyer, Lisa Zimmerman, Max Zimmerman, Jannis Hoffman. Film & Edit: Mirko Paoloni #LINEskis
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