Cardiff 7 Miles Race Aka Cardiff 7 Mile Run (1926)

Cardiff, Wales. Title: “Cardiff 7 Mile Run won by Newport Team“. M/S of a band of runners with numbers pinned to their shirts. They are running down a crowd lined street. Several policemen marshal the crowd of spectators, stopping them spilling onto the road as the runners turn a bend. M/S of the runners coming down an avenue. The spectators are more thinly spaced, several men follow the competitors on bicycles. M/S of a car driving slowly through a narrow space between crowds. The car is followed by a fleet of bicycles surrounding a lone runner - the winner? C/U of the winning runner; he is very out of breath and is jostled by a crowd of well-wishers. M/S of the three runners, also trying to catch their breath, at the end of the race - representatives of the Newport team? M/S of a table covered in trophies and prizes. The winning runner, now dressed in a suit, goes up to the table where a man presents him with a clock, they shake hands. M/S of the same man presenting another competitor
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