Д.Медведев.О сокращения числа часовых пояс.

Opening Remarks at Meeting on Reducing the Number of Time Zones March 24, 2010 Gorki, Moscow Region Вступительное слово на совещании по вопросу сокращения числа часовых поясов 24 марта 2010 года Московская область, Горки PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA DMITRY MEDVEDEV: Colleagues, We have a very interesting subject on our agenda today, an issue that I raised in the Presidential Address [to the Federal Assembly], and that sparked quite active discussion. The issue in question is the reduction of the number of time zones in Russia and the expediency of daylight saving. This subject is more apt than ever right now as we are about to put the clocks forward to daylight saving time in a few days. I remind you that most countries establish time zones using a guideline, drawn up at some point, in accordance with which the number of time zones is calculated based on the span of the country’s territory in relation to the basic meridians 15 degrees apart. This form of calculation gives Russ
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