Why was the U.S. able to populate the interior of the country and AUSTRALIA was not?

Australia is the sixth largest country in the world, in fact, its size is roughly equal to that of the United States without Alaska. But if we look at the map of the United States and Australia at night, we see very different patterns. On the U.S. side, cities and small towns reach far inland, and on the Australian side, the territory in the interior is virtually uninhabited and large and small cities are located only on the coast. Although in terms of absolute population it is not appropriate to compare the two countries, this contrast helps to see the population patterns of both countries. So the questions are: why do almost 80% of Australians live here when they have such a large territory in the interior; why do people in the United States live in the interior away from the coasts? And why has the Australian government failed to decentralize its population? #EconomicsNation #Australia
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