你不知道的眼睛? | part 1:認識眼睛構造及豬眼解剖(慎入!) 上生物課囉! Dissecting a pig’s eye

你不知道的眼睛? | part 1:認識眼睛構造及豬眼解剖(慎入!) 上生物課囉! Dissecting a pig’s eye 繁體中文 /简体中文 / English subtitled 大家好,我是芬姐,身為一名生物老師,今天要介紹一對非常重要的受器--眼睛。眼睛是我們的靈魂之窗,隨著科技的進步,我們每天用眼的時間增加,造成眼睛的負擔和疲勞。透過「豬眼解剖」,讓我們了解眼睛的結構,進而更知道如何保護眼睛。 眼睛構造由前到後是「角膜」、「水樣液」、「瞳孔」、「水晶體」、「玻璃體」、「視網膜」、「視神經」。「瞳孔」能控制進光亮,藉由外圍的「虹膜」控制瞳孔大小,強光照射眼睛時,瞳孔就會縮小;反之則會放大,不同人種虹膜的顏色不同。「水晶體」可調節焦距,看遠時水晶體變薄;看近時水晶體變厚。水晶體的厚薄則由水晶體周圍的「睫狀肌」調節,睫狀肌放鬆時,水晶體會變薄,焦距變長可看清遠方的光線;睫狀肌收縮時,水晶體會變厚,焦距變短可看清近距離的物體。光線會在「視網膜」呈像,透過「視神經」傳到大腦的視覺區,讓我們產生視覺。 眼睛也是需要保養的,均衡的飲食,充足的休息,使用3C產品要節制,保持適當的用眼距離,不要在黑暗中看手機,定期做視力檢查等。下一期芬姐將要介紹「近視」、「閃光」、「老花眼」、「白內障」等眼睛問題,有興趣的朋友千萬不要錯過喔! 本期視頻感謝「翰林書局」提供眼睛結構圖,感謝「南一書局」提供眼睛模型,更感謝「豬寶們」為科學研究做出重大的貢獻。 00:00 破千訂閱特別企劃 Intro 00:29 人類眼睛構造講解 Overview of Human Eye 04:03 解剖豬眼前言 Intro to Dissection 04:28 解剖豬眼示範 Dissecting Pig Eye 07:44 國中生實作解剖豬眼 Students’ Dissections ===== 生物相關影片 Related Biology Videos: ★你不知道的眼睛?| part 2:近視、散光、老花眼、白內障的眼睛問題成因及矯正方式|上生物課囉! Common Eye Disorders and Diseases--Biology Class Part 2: Myopia, Astigmatism, Presbyopia, Cataract. Causes And Corrections ★OATLY燕麥奶均勻不沉澱的秘訣-/乳化/均質化 Homogenized oat milk: ★播放清單--「芬姐的生物放大鏡」 My Playlist about Biology: ===== About Eyes & Dissection--Biology Class | part 1: Overview of human eyes and dissection of pig eyes Hello, everyone, this is Fen. As a biology teacher, today I’m going to introduce a pair of very important receptors--our eyes. Eyes are the window of our soul. With the advancement of modern technology, the time we spend with our eyes increases every day, causing burden and fatigue on our eyes. Through the “dissection of pig eye“, we can understand the structure of the eye and know how to protect it. The structure of the eye from front to back is “cornea“, “aquatic fluid“, “pupil“, “lens“, “vitreous body“, “retina“ and “optic nerve“. The “pupil“ can control the given amount of light. The “iris“ controls the size of the pupil. When the eye is exposed to strong light, the pupil will shrink; otherwise, it will enlarge. The color of the iris is different for different races. The “lens“ can adjust the focus, the lens becomes thinner when you look far away; when you look closer, the lens becomes thicker. The thickness of the lens is adjusted by the “ciliary muscle“ around the lens. When the ciliary muscle relaxes, the lens becomes thinner, and the focal length becomes longer to see the distant objects; when the ciliary muscle contracts, the lens becomes thicker and the focal length becomes shorter, making us see objects at close range clearly. The light will appear in the “retina“ and be transmitted to the visual area of ​​the brain through the “optic nerve“, allowing us to produce vision. Eyes also need to be maintained, a balanced diet, adequate rest, proper use of devices, a proper eye distance..., etc can make your eyes healthy. Please do not look at the phone in the dark. In the next episode, I will introduce eye problems such as “myopia“, “eye flashes“, “presbyopia“, and “cataract“. Those who are interested in the topics should not miss it&#
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