Chrysanthemum Grower (1958)

Shirley, Birmingham. M/S of an elderly man, John Woolman and his adult son Jack in a corner of their chrysanthemum nurseries (founded by John’s father, Henry, in 1881). John is seated at a table watching Jack studying a red chrysanthemum under a microscope. C/U from Jack’s point of view of the flower being held under the microscope. M/S of Jack passing the flower to his father who picks up a small pair of scissors from the table and starts snipping the petals off. C/U of John’s very shaky hands cutting the flower. The narrator explains John is one the world’s foremost authorities on chrysanthemums and he is currently carrying out cross pollination to produce a new variety. C/U of pink chrysanthemums growing a large green house, tilt up to show a gardener attending to the flowers. M/S of John using a small brush to transfer pollen from the petal-less flower to flowers growing in the green house. C/U of the cross pollination process. To produce a new flower factors such as the history and genes
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