9Velo $1100 Rapid | Well Made | DT Swiss Style Ratchet System

Normally I get my fair share of junk and things that come through the door. But this isn’t it. These are very good wheels and competitively priced. The hubs are well-engineered. We are at a point now where the only thing missing from far eastern wheels is the marketing. DISCOUNT CODE: 9velo-hambini10 This will get you the wheels for just under $1100 Written Review is here GET MERCH HERE!!! Some of the equipment I use and recommend **THE HAMBINI PENCIL OF CHOICE** UK Kuru Toga Silver Edition US Kuru Toga Silver Edition **THE HAMBINI HAIRDRESSER PENCIL - iT’s PINK** UK Kuru Toga PINK Pencil US Kuru Toga PINK Pencil **TOOLS** Wera Allen/Hex Keys UK US Wera Screwdrivers UK US Mitutoyo Digital Calipers UK US Mitutoyo Feeler Gauge UK US Some of these links may be affiliate links for which the channel gets a small commission, the price remains unchanged. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hambini Website Facebook Instagram If you would like to support the channel for more unbiased reviews, you can do so on Patreon.
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