Early 15th century composition by Johannes Ciconia
“O Venecie, mundi splendor,
Italie cum sis decor,
in te viget omnis livor regulis mundicie.
Gaude, mater maris, salus, qua purgatur quisque malus.
Terre ponti tu es palus miserotum baiula.
Gaude late, virgo digna, principatus portas signa
tibi soli sunto condigna ducalis dominii.
Gaude, victrix exterorum,
nam potestas Venetorum nulli cedit perversorum,
domans, terram, maria;
Nam tu vincis manus fortis,
pacem reddis tuis portis,
et disrumpis fauces mortis, tuorum fidelium.
Pro te canit voce pia tui statum in hac via
El conservet et Maria Johannes Ciconia.
Venice, marvel of the world!
Pride of Italy!
In you flourishes all cleanliness.
Rejoice, mother of the sea, protectress, purger of wrongdoing!
Thou art the union of land and sea
Supporter of the meek.
Rejoice greatly, worthy maiden,
Thou art the principality sole to bear the ducal achievements.
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