Florian Boesch baritone Malcolm Martineau piano - Live from Wigmore Hall

These concerts are free to view but your donations are essential. We are relying on the generosity of our audience to make these concerts possible. Together we can continue to provide work for musicians and present live music from Wigmore Hall. If you are watching, please visit our website and make a contribution. Thank you. Paypal: Donate via American Friends of Wigmore Hall: If you would like to make a bank transfer, please use the following information: The Wigmore Hall Trust Account number: 10201186 Sort code: 16-00-30 IBAN: GB33 RBOS 16003010 2011 86 SWIFT/BIC: RBOS GB 2L Reference: GIFT One of the world’s finest Lieder singers brings a programme that includes Schumann’s beloved Eichendorff cycle and songs by the Swiss Othmar Schoeck, a prolific Lieder composer (some 300 examples in all) widely admired in his lifetime and c
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