5 Exercises for a flat stomach and small waist#stomach #flat

How can I get a flat stomach in 7 days? Flat Tummy Tips: 7 Steps to a get flat tummy in 7 days Circuit training. If you want to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, you have to perform circuit training three days per week. ... Go for abdomial muscles workout. ... Eat healthy. ... Avoid salt. ... Drink water. Which exercise burns the most belly fat? Crunches: The most effective exercise to burn stomach fat is crunches. Crunches rank top when we talk of fat-burning exercises. You can start by lying down flat with your knees bent and your feet on the ground. What is the best exercise to get a flat stomach? 8 exercises to help achieve a flat stomach Results timeline. Plank. Side planks. Toe reaches. Leg raises. Roll ups. Bicycle crunches. Boat pose. 923144743289 do it yourselfdo it yourself animeflat #stomach ##workouthow to get a flat stomachflat stomach exercisesintense flat stomach workoutabs workout
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