Tadeusz Faliszewski - Bal u Starego Joska, 1934

Tadeusz Faliszewski & Orkiestra Gitar Hawajskich pod dyr. Wiktora Tychowskiego i Mieczysława Wróblewskiego - Bal u Starego Joska (Party At Old Josel’s) (Fanny Gordon /Krzewiński, Brodziński) Syrena-Electro 1934 NOTE: That great hit, composed in 1934 by Fanny Gordon - and meant to be a pastiche of Warsaw apache ballades (go to to read Fanny Gordon’s bio)- through the decades gained such immense popularity, that even now is mentioned in Polish song anthologies as the original Warsaw underworld folklore song of the 1930s, without even mentioning Fanny Gordon’s name! In the pass of time the original title “Bal u Starego Joska“ (Party at Old Josel’s) has been replaced by “Bal na Gnojnej“ (Party At the Dung Lane).
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