Canadians, Beware! Here Is Trudeau’s Next Diabolical Plan for Our Great Country

Protect yourself and your personal data from hacking, malware and government censorship with Atlas VPN. Use our link to get a limited time offer of USD per month for three years. Atlas VPN Link: Imagine a busy government office in Ottawa, Canada, filled with bureaucrats rushing to complete paperwork and push through approvals. And in the midst of all the bustling, one particular file makes its way to the desks of senior liberal government officials, with a daring request from a company asking for authorization to manufacture and distribute cocaine. The boldness might be unheard of in countries governed by well-meaning representatives with the right priorities, but it is not shocking in Trudeau’s Canada. It would be interesting to know that the Liberal government has issued a license allowing a company to manufacture and distribute cocaine. A license granted for one of the most lethal and illegal substances in history is, of course, surprising.
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