Niin se elämä vie - Indy Angel

THAT’S HOW LIFE GOES That’s how dreams fade, even the most beautiful flowers wither away, when the pressures of life come, they take control of the indefatigable. Those night ghosts imagination digs, bitterness grows; when you got out. That’s how the winds blow, like a whirlwind fill the head, that’s how romance fades, those winds marry whomever they will. So numb your lips, against an empty complaint, reflects bitterness, when I get trapped. That’s just how life goes, does not ask the opinion of the traveler, like it or not, it guides, I get the underdog spot. That’s how life goes through the rocky road, it takes a hard grip at times. So the years change, even the blackest memories fade, when I always experience something new, it always takes the thoughts on time. So everything evaporates, no longer live in my mind miss his life, and die. That’s just how life goes
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