【新極真会】 第45回全日本空手道選手権大会 男子4回戦7 江口雄智 vs. 前田優輝 SHINKYOKUSHINKAI KARATE

2020年11月21日(土)・22日(日)第52回全日本空手道選手権大会 On 21st and 22nd Nov, 2020, The 52nd All Japan Karate Championship THE 45TH ALL JAPAN OPEN KARATE TOURNAMENT men 4th round Yuto Eguchi vs. Yuki Maeda The official Video of SHINKYOKUSHINKAI.      全世界空手道連盟新極真会のオフィシャル動画です。 Kyokushin karate is a great cultural and spiritual heritage established by late Sosai Masutatsu Oyama’s utmost efforts which our country can be proud of to the world. The words by Sosai, saying “ With our head low and our eyes high, with moderate words and generous heart, we will benefit others, on the basis of piety“ are the essence of kyokushin. Now we have taken over the will of Sosai by starting our renewed organization, “ Shinkyokushinkai“ with its three valuable missions, ’Youth Education’, ’International Communication’ and ’Social Contribution’, to step forward to spread bushido spirits and Budo( Martial Art) karate world wide
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