16 different guitars & 16 different bridge pickups - 5 different metal riffs

This is a comparison of 16 different guitars with 16 different bridge pickups. The guitars are recorded through an Mesa Boogie JP2C Limited with the same settings for each guitar. All of these guitars/pickups would most likely sound great/better if I were to dial in the amp according to how the pickup reacts, but I chose to do this so you can hear the tonal variations between the guitars. All guitars are recorded in stereo with one guitar panned to the left and the other one to the right and all guitars are tuned in D-standard. Death metal riff - 00:52 Heavy metal riff - 03:47 Thrash metal riff - 06:33 Black metal riff - 09:49 Power metal riff - 12:37 Signal chain: Guitar - Mesa Boogie JP2C - Torpedo Live - DAW Guitars: 01 - Solar - Type 02 - Jackson - King V (USA) 03 - LTD - EC 256 04 - ESP - Horizon 05 - Markline - Custom Shop 063 06 - PRS - Artist V 07 - PRS - 513 08 - Musicman - JP6 09 - Caparison - Horus 10 - Gib
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