Demonstration: ZED-F9P u-blox F9 high precision GNSS module

The u-blox ZED-F9P module is a multi-band GNSS receiver delivers centimeter level accuracy in seconds. At TU‑Automotive, u-blox presented the capabilities of the module via a demo using a model train showed visitors how u‑blox high precision positioning can achieve one‑centimeter accuracy. A ZED‑F9P module on train was used to receive multi‑band high precision positioning data and a ODIN-W2 Wi-Fi / Bluetooth module was used to transmit the data to our u‑center, which was visible to all on a display. ZED-F9P offers integrated u-blox multi-band RTK technology for centimeter-level accuracy. The module enables precise navigation and automation of moving industrial machinery by means of a small, surface mounted module. The ZED-F9P module is designed for easy integration and low design-in costs with minimal e-BOM. It is well-suited for mass market adoption, thanks to its small package size, light weight, and small power consumption. Learn more at
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