Solve Coding Interview Backtracking Problems - Crash Course

Master the backtracking problem and solve two LeetCode hard problems in this crash course. ✏️ This course was developed by Lynn Zheng. Check out Lynn’s YouTube channel, Lynn’s DevLab: 💻 Lynn’s GitHub resource for this video: 🔗 Lynn’s personal website: ⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️ ⌨️ (00:00) Intro ⌨️ (01:01) Intro to the template ⌨️ (08:30) Solve N-Queens ⌨️ (20:28) Solve Sudoku ⌨️ (33:48) Recap -- 🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters: 👾 Wong Voon jinq 👾 hexploitation 👾 Katia Moran 👾 BlckPhantom 👾 Nick Raker 👾 Otis Morgan 👾 DeezMaster 👾 Treehouse 👾
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