LOS COCHINOS _Witch Metal Night 30/04/2023 | Reborn |Казань

Концерт от Kazan Metal Unity & Spasmatic Promotion. LOS COCHINOS - death metal FUKKING MUSIC Death metal/Death ’n’ roll Started in January 2013 Starring: Stas - git, vox Leo - git Usman - bass Mike - drums Группы с которыми мы делили сцену: M:PIRE of EVIL (UK), IODGUARA (NOR), OF FIRE (SWE), MONOSCREAM (SWE), NORRSKÖLD (SWE), UBUREN (NOR), BRAGE (NOR), CAPRICE (NOR), CLAUSTROFOBIA (BRA), REZET (GER), GROND, BESTIAL DEFORM, другие. Релизы: 2014 - Let’s Get Dirty! [Demo] 2016 - Vodka Mutant [EP] 2019 - Covered Kings [EP] 2020 - Tequila Berserker Tags: alcoholism, perversion, deviant behavior, rectal examination, rape, whoredom, acrotomophilia, mexico, pigs.
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