Muriel Vanderbilt’s wedding (1925)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Muriel Vanderbilt marries Frederic Cameron Church, Jr. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: International Newsreel - Muriel Vanderbilt a Bride in Brilliant Society Wedding UNKNOWN: INT/EXT Video Roll Title: Muriel Vanderbilt a bride: 94ft WEDDINGS: Muriel Vanderbilt a Bride American socialite, thoroughbred racehorse owner, breeder, Vanderbilt family, wed, nuptials, marriage Background: Muriel Vanderbilt marries Frederic Cameron Church, Jr. FILM ID: VLVA8JPDZPCA3YN0RYQBS0A1O21D1 To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
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