Helicopter Aids Islands (1961)

Helicopter aids island of Innisturk. L/S Air shots from helicopter of Innisturk Island. C/U Pilot Captain John Telford at the controls. L/S Aerial shot of island. C/U Helicopter controls. Aerial shots flying over island. M/S Two men fixing marker cross on ground where helicopter is to land. L/S Islanders waiting for the arrival of helicopter. Angle shot, helicopter flying overhead coming in to land. C/U Woman looking up. M/S Helicopter coming in to land. C/U Irish type watching unloading of supplies. M/S Men unloading supplied from helicopter. L/S Villagers carrying away supplies to their homes. L/S Villagers nearing their homes with supplies. M/S Family group outside their home with supplies. M/S Group of villagers waving farewell to the helicopter as it departs. M/S Helicopter flying away. C/U Typical Irish type smoking pipe. L/S Innisturk Island. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND
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