YouTube6:45 Joseph Canteloube : Songs of the Auvergne : Bailero. Netania Davrath.

Netania Davrath sings “Bailero“ from Marie-Joseph Canteloube de Malaret’s orchestrated collection of folk songs from the Auvergne region, the “Chants d’Auvergne“ or “Songs of the Auvergne“. The unnamed orchestra is conducted by Pierre de la Roche. The songs are sung in the mediaeval language Occitan. Bailero - Shepherd’s Song of the Auvergne Hills. (English translation). “Shepherd across the river, you don’t seem to be afraid, sing the Bailero, etc. Indeed I’m not, and you too, sing the Bailero, etc. Shepherd, the meadow is in bloom, come over here to sing the Bailero, etc. The grass is greener on this side, you come here, Bailero, etc. Shepherd, the stream separates us, and I can’t cross it, sing the Bailero... Then I’ll come and get you further down, Bailero, etc.“
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