Joerg Fassbinder. Геофизические исследования в археологии- Магнитные следы в болотистой среде Южной Месопотамии.

Joerg Fassbinder - Geophysics Dept. of Earth & Environmental Sciences Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich ARCHAEOLOGICAL GEOPHYSICS: MAGNETIC TRACES IN THE MARSHY ENVIRONMENT OF SOUTHERN MESOPOTAMIA Geophysics provides a wide range of archaeological prospecting methods that allows on the vast majority of sites a detailed view beneath the near surface underground. Among these methods magnetic, radar and electric prospection are highly efficient skills to survey the first 1-3 meters beneath the ground by a sufficient high spatial resolution. First test measurements by high sensitive total field magnetometers in Mesopotamia took place in Iraq for the first time 1989 in Assur, since then 2001 in Uruk-Warka, furthermore in Charax-Spasinu, Ur, and Fara-Shuruppak. Among detailed settlement features at all of the sites our magnetometer prospecting results have additionally revealed a great variety of remains from urban water management. Among them traces of canals, dams, harbours, water ga
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