t woc_Batabata_

t woc_Limbs_ I Infringe the Copyright. Send message to: lorenzosimeoni64@ I will remove video. Thank you. aaanD Live long & Prosper. - In the mid 90s in a small granny flat in a then rural Wicklow village a teenage producer kept himself busy making cassette tapes full of beats on his trusty s3000 sampler and an early wooden cased PC running Cubase v1. A world of music later comes this 8 track release for t-woc’s home county label Remotetown. Consisting of live set extracts, MPC workouts and straight from desk to tape jams, this collection of tracks are a connection to those days of constant experimentation with limited gear and endless imagination playing out like the flailing limbs seen through a strobe at a slow motion rave
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