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Bagalamukhi ( All-Paralyser of the Three Worlds )
| Sauvarnasan Sansthitam Trinayanaam Pitamshukollasineem |
|| Hemabhangruchim Shashank Mukutam Sachchampaka Sragyutaam ||
| Hastair Mudgar Pash Vajra Rasanam Sambi Bhrateem Bhushanair |
|| Vyaptaangim Baglamukhim Trijagataam Sanstambhinim Chintayeta ||
I meditate on Baglamukhi, who is seated on a gold throne, with three eyes, wearing yellow, blissful, with limbs as bright as pure gold, wearing a garland of champaka flowers, with the moon as Her diadem, with Her
...hands holding a hammer, and a noose which binds the enemy; Her limbs arrayed with jewels, in this way I meditate on Shri Bagalamukhi, the All-Paralyser of the Three Worlds.
Eigth in Dus-Mahavidya. Devi frees devotee’s mind from misconceptions and elShow more