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Newborn Burmese Python have to move quickly away from their nest before predators picks up their sent. The Indigo Snake is a formidable snake hunter, which would not hesitate to attack and feed on rattlesnakes, cottonmouth and over vipers because it is immune to against their venom. The sent of a python hatchling just passing through its territory get his undivided attention and the hunter begins stalking its prey.
With a swift bite to the python’s head, the indigo snake subdues the hatchling, firmly holding it in its grip and blocking the
... prey’s airway with its powerful jaws. But good nutrition has giving the feisty young python enough strength to fight back its attacker. Still the larger indigo has no problem overpowering the smaller snake. It’s only a question of time until the python’s energy recourses have been exhausted. Through constituently pinning the youngShow more