Five Buddhist Wisdom Dakinis: Dharma Activities including Chod, with Mantras sung by Yoko Dharma

What are the five Wisdom Dakinis? Why are they central to Tibetan Buddhist practice? Why are they associated with activity practices— peaceful, increasing, magnetizing, subjugating and supreme activities — such as Chod? In this presentation, we try to answer these questions. We present the mantras of the Five Wisdom Dakinis, sung by the amazing Yoko Dharma at the end of this introduction. NOTE: Venerable Zasep Rinpoche advises that you can chant these mantras without empowerment if you have faith and devotion — although you only visualize the deities in front of you; i.e. no self-generation. The great Padmasambhava, quoted from the book Dakini Activity, defines the vital role of the wisdom Dakini best (from Dakini Activity (book) by Padmasambhava. Available on Amazon: (Affiliate link). Laura Santi Sacred Art Yoko Dharma, singer, website: Yoko’s music is available for download here: https:
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