This video is a look at the new Zoom LiveTrak L-8 multitrack recorder/mixer/podcasting station.
This unit has some great features and is well worth having a look at. It’s battery/USB powered using only 5watts consumption. It can record 12 tracks simultaneously and overdub (punch in and out).
It has smartphone connectivity with the lead supplied. It also has 6 sound pads to trigger jingles, sound effects or music. These can be stored in projects on an SD card as wav files. The L-8 can be used as an audio interface with 12 in and 2 stereo tracks out, it can also act as a card reader. It has 8 on
...-board effects, several reverbs, chorus and delay. There are 4 outs, a master out and 3 separate monitor outs customizable for performers.
The unit will appeal to podcasters, musicians and video producers/creators.
Thanks to FUNC ON THE ROCKS see them at
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