B-24M at Liberator Memorial Werribee. Part 02. US Heavy Bomber.
This video was shot on 11-Aug-2024 at Werribee, Australia at the B-24 Liberator Memorial. This is an enterprise to restore a B-24M for static display, and record the history of Royal Australian Air Force Heavy Bomber Squadrons and their Personnel in the Pacific Theatre during WW2.
Thanks to Paul and Charles who showed me around the Memorial and generously gave me their time to explain the displays and the restoration project.
Contact Details:
Phone: 61 (0) 409 179 254
Email: liberator@
Address: Cnr Princes Hwy & Farm Rd Werribee Vic 3030
B-24 Heavy Bombers were operated by the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) during 1944-45 in the South West Pacific and conducted Patrol, Ground Bombing, and Anti-Shipping missions around Indonesia, New Guinea, and Borneo. They operated out of Northern Australia and Morotai Indonesia.
They were organised into 7 Bomber Squadrons (12th, 21st, 23rd, and 24th in the Northern Territory and later M
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B-24M at Liberator Memorial Werribee. Part 02. US Heavy Bomber.
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