Good Omens | Multilanguage | "Just Enough Of A Bastard" (27 languages)

#comparison #goodomens #multilanguage I want to start by saying that I’ve never laughed so much when I heard the French (Canada) dub! XD Because Crowley literally says “And if you, my angel, you hadn’t a mind twisted enough to be worth knowing.” (“Et si toi, mon ange, tu n’avais pas l’esprit assez tordu pour valoir la peine d’être connu.”). I don’t know in English, but in French a “twisted mind” can also mean a “dirty mind”. So, that makes this sentence very confusing. XD Also, I was surprised by the depth of both Aziraphale and Crowley’s voices in Spanish (Spain). ^^ In this scene, my favourite dubs are: Hindi, Spanish (Latin America), French (France), French (Canada) (because it’s so funny XD), German, Filipino, Kannada, Malay, Portuguese (Portugal) and Telugu. What are your personal favourites? Thank you for watching! I’ll be posting more multilanguage videos soon, so stay tuned! Timestamps: 0:00 English 0:18 French (France)
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