The Original Soundtrack (Deluxe Edition - CD1):
0:00:00 - Rome - The Mighty Empire
0:02:45 - The Turning Of Tides
0:05:41 - The Siege Of Carthage
0:07:40 - Battle Of Akragas
0:10:15 - The Blessing Of Pax
0:12:15 - March To The Gates
0:14:10 - Dulce Et Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori.
0:16:23 - The Strength Of Legions
0:18:47 - Only The Dead Have Seen The End Of War
0:19:32 - In The Halls Of Greatness And Glory
0:21:39 - The Azure Ocean, The Ancient Oracle
0:23:29 - Threat In The Northlands
0:25:40 - Horns Of The Vanguard
0:27:58 - A Hard-Fought Peace
0:29:38 - Spirits From The Mist
0:31:07 - The W
...eight Of Ancient Sands
0:32:40 - Chariots Across The Horizon
Music by Richard Beddow, Ian Livingstone, Simon Ravn
The Original Soundtrack (Deluxe Edition - CD2):
0:34:47 - Blood On The Sand
0:37:20 - The Beauty Of The Ancients
0:39:30 - Immortal Empire
0:41:25 - Cleopatra
0:43:08 - Ptolemaic Influence
0:44:58 - We Are But Grains Amongst The Desert
0:46:46 - Show No Fear
0:48:55 - Antonius Atropatene Vincit
0:51:32 - The March Of Thousands
0:53:42 - The Long Road East
0:56:07 - Fires In The Dark
0:58:11 - And The Rhine Flowed With Blood
1:00:33 - Rainfall In The North
1:02:28 - The Clan Calls You Home
1:04:01 - The Legion’s Shields
1:06:28 - The Pines Upon The Mountainside
1:08:09 - The Gods Favour The Bold
Music by Richard Beddow, Ian Livingstone, Simon Ravn
1:10:42 - Main Menu
1:12:46 - Main Menu (Vocals)
1:15:25 - Ramming Speed
1:17:38 - Deployment
1:21:14 - Legions Of Rome
1:25:47 - Engineering An Empire
1:31:47 - By Land And Sea
1:37:46 - The Gallic States
1:42:56 - For The Ashes Of His Father
1:49:52 - Elysium Fields
1:51:36 - Ambush
1:56:02 - Skirmish
1:59:43 - Dies Irae
2:01:17 - Ptolemaic Egypt
2:09:25 - Veni, Vidi, Vici
2:12:02 - Death Cometh Soon Or Late
2:14:15 - Lays Of Ancient Rome
2:16:56 - Vae Victis
2:21:15 - Goddess Of The River Nile
2:22:51 - Celtic Air
2:24:22 - Celtic Redux
2:25:55 - Brave Romans
2:32:08 - Fearful Odds
2:35:24 - Campaign Compilation
2:48:43 - Horde Of The Steppe
2:53:04 - Deos Fortioribus Adesse
2:55:31 - Fire Storm
2:57:39 - Scythian Herdsman
3:02:25 - Roma Invicta
3:05:49 - Lays Of Ancient Egypt
3:13:58 - Credits
3:24:33 - Trailer Music (Rome II)
3:27:18 - Coming Of War
3:28:47 - Roma Invicta (Variation I)
3:29:59 - Men Of Rome
3:32:08 - Alea Iacta Est
3:34:32 - The Gods Are Watching
3:36:41 - Caesar’s Legions
3:39:00 - Under Vesuvius
3:40:35 - Praetorian
3:42:45 - Ver
3:44:21 - Autumnus
3:45:51 - Sons Of Mars
3:47:49 - Hiems
3:49:30 - Veni, Vidi, Vici (Variation I)
3:51:38 - Ba’al-Hamon
3:53:59 - The Fallen Eagle
3:55:47 - Oathbound
3:56:56 - The Oncoming Storm
3:58:58 - Ambushers
4:01:01 - Frozen Fields
4:03:06 - Raiders Of The North
4:05:37 - Druid
4:07:15 - Hunters
4:09:11 - Gergovia
4:11:22 - On The Shore
4:12:51 - War In The North
4:14:29 - Primal Forces
4:16:19 - Sacrifice
4:18:20 - Eastern Sands
4:19:54 - Mithra’s Blessing
4:22:02 - Might Of The East
4:24:08 - Radiant Sun
4:26:17 - For The Gods
4:29:04 - Kings And Slaves
4:30:43 - Dominion Of The Land
4:32:51 - The River Nile
4:34:45 - Hold The Line
4:37:18 - A Good Harvest
4:38:54 - Wars Of The Diadochi
4:41:20 - Good Omens
4:42:52 - Marathon
4:45:23 - Requiem
4:47:00 - Tales Of Old
4:48:37 - With Sword & Spear
Music by Richard Beddow, Ian Livingstone, Simon RavnShow more