West 35th Street in NYC is a Corridor for the Dying, says Curtis Sliwa.

Zoey, 40, has AIDS. She uses heroin and crack whenever she can get it. Earlier today, Curtis Sliwa had to pick her up as she was lying out in the street. Cars were almost hitting her, and people were trying not to look at her. But, unfortunately, the cops said there is nothing they can do for Zoey, and there is never any drug intervention or THRIVE mental health intervention for these lost souls. While Bill de Blasio is on vacation and THRIVE is MIA, Sliwa continues his campaign in the streets, not the suites. Unfortunately, he runs into our lost souls all along the way, who this mayor and his administration are not helping. “When I am Mayor, I will NEVER accept that there is nothing we can do for citizens of ours who have lost their way,“ Sliwa said. “I dare a civil libertarian to tell me it’s Zoeys right to wallow in her own defecation and urine while she is almost hit by a car. I ask, WHERE is Mayor Bill #Deblaiso?“ Where is Bill Deblasio? He is on vacat
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