彩虹漸層/分層皂 - rainbow soap making with gradient and layers technique - 手工皂

Welcome to this channel, My name is Yvonne. I’m a soap maker in Taiwan. Hope you enjoy watching my videos. 【配方Recipe】 橄欖油 olive oil: 480g 甜杏仁油 sweet almond oil: 480g 椰子油 coconut oil: 320g 乳油木果脂 shea butter: 320g 99%氫氧化鈉 sodium hydroxide: 230g 純水 distilled water: 250g 桃膠漿 peach resin gel: 325g 泡泡糖香精 bubble gum fragrance oil: 32ml 二氧化鈦 titanium dioxide: 適量/moderate 色粉 colorant: 適量/moderate 訂閱頻道/Subscribe👉 粉絲專頁/Facebook👉 聯絡信箱/E-mail👉@
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