Waluulapam: The Walla Walla People - Sahaptin - Oregon & Washington
This is a video for: “The Waluulapam People”, (.: “The Walla Walla People ”). There are also videos in this channel for: “The Cayuse People“, “The Nez Perce People”, “The Yakama People”.. and for over 270 more North & South-American Tribes & First Nations.
“The Waluulapam People”, (.: “The Walla Walla People”) are a Sahaptin Indigenous People ..of the Northwest Plateau. The name Walla Walla is translated several ways, but, most often as: “many waters.“ Many Waluulapam People live on the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. They share land and a governmental structure with the Cayuse and the Umatilla tribes, as part of the: ”Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla”. The reservation is located in the area of Pendleton, Oregon, United States, near the Blue Mountains. Some Walla Walla (Waluulapam) People are also enrolled in the federally recognized Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation.
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
(Walla Walla, Cayuse and Umatilla Peoples)
46411 Timíne Way, Pendleton, Oregon USA 97801
Phone: (541) 276-3165
FAX: (541) 276-3095
I claim no ownership of any of the clips, video and music expressed in this employ my “borrowing” of them with much respect and thanks. Credits are also given at the end of the videos, as well as below. ****No personal monetization is being done with this video, by me, nor am I receiving any other benefits from any of these videos.**** They are meant for all, to heal, teach, discuss, inspire and inform and share. No theft and/or disrespect is intended. I post all of these videos, with love and respect.
Many Thanks & Much Respect To: The Walla Walla (Waluulapam) People..; The Confederated Tribes Of The Umatilla Indian Reservation..; ..; ..; TRADITIONAL UMATILLA SINGERS: (Bill Johnson, Charles McKay, Jay Minthorn & Malcolm Minthorn)..; UMATILLA TRIBAL SINGERS..; BLACK LODGE SINGERS..; LAURA GRIZZLYPAWS..; WILD HORSE SINGERS.. and to all the other brothers and sisters who have contributed to this video with photos, and/or, in any other way.
Chi Miigwetch!.. Many Blessings & Thanks..!
*Set video to 960 X 540p HD, for best viewing.
(480P - You-Tube)
1 year ago 00:25:26 5
Waluulapam: The Walla Walla People - Sahaptin - Oregon & Washington