Thomas Wins Third Title (1951)

Carmarthen, Wales. SV. Michele Palermo, European Welterweight Champion, walking across ring to shake hands with Eddie Thomas, British and Empire Welterweight Champion at start of European title boxing fight in Carmarthen, Wales. SV. Crowd. LV. Start of fight. Thomas on right, attacks. Palermo goes down. SV. Palermo getting up from floor. MV. Cautions sparring until Palermo across ring. SV. Palermo rushing across ring to pin Thomas against roped. SV. Boxers sparring against ropes, pan to crowd. SV. Referee making score card. SV. Thomas receiving attention from seconds. SV. Palermo leaving corner and sparring up. MV. Palermo sails into Thomas, who coolly fights him off with a nice left but Palermo with wild two handed attack forces Thomas into corner. SV. After left and right from Palermo referee separates them. SV. Thomas throws left and right uppercuts. SV. Feet. MV. Thomas lands a powerful left to Palermo’s body and forces off Palermo who vainly tries to hang on. Thomas misses with right to Palermo’s head.
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