In this video, I compare Dostoesvky with Nietzsche by looking at their lives, careers, writings and philosophies. Who offers a better solution to the problem of nihilism? Is it possible that they complement each other? Who is the masculine father and who is the feminine mother among the two? But first let me answer how their background shaped their views.
Nietzsche’s Philosophy:
Dostoevsky List:
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🕔Time Stamps🕔
00:00 The modern condition
01:23 Why Dostoevsky vs Nietzsche
03:27 Life and career (life and thoughts)
12:00 Brief overview of their works
16:05 Modern nihilism (rationality)
22:29 Solution (art vs religion)
31:39 Audience (elite vs masses)
35:36 Who should you read? Dostoevsky or Nietzsche?
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