Thanks for checking out this Magicka Warden PVE Build for the Blackwood Chapter, for The Elder Scrolls Online.
Here, we showcase a super-strong Magicka Warden Build, updated for the Blackwood Chapter, featuring two new sets: A new 5 Piece: Bahsei’s Mania and a new Mythic: The Harpooner’s Wading Kilt.
Thanks to Jaise, for providing us with the parse and all of the beautiful footage!
Jaise’s YouTube:
Jaise’s Magicka Warden Video (lots of alternative parses in here):
My Magicka Warden footage from:
Aetherian Archive -
Halls of Fabrication -
Kyne’s Aegis -
0:00 - Introdu
...ction and Video Summary
1:57 - Choice of Race, Mundus Stone, Food & Attributes
3:37 - Gear (and alternatives)
5:28 - Skills (and alternatives)
10:04 - Parse and Rotation
13:41 - Combat Metrics review / Blue CP Slottables
14:55 - Outro - Final Thoughts andShow more