ICSS 20201213 Trotsky was a collaborator and terrorist - Grover Furr

Sun, Dec 13, 2020: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm Grover Furr speaks: Trotsky Was a Collaborator and Terrorist, and What This Means For Us Today Grover writes: My talk will center on my most recent book, New Evidence of Trotsky’s Conspiracy I will briefly review my procedure in this book, and the results of my research. I will also discuss * How our understanding of the Stalin years in the Soviet Union, roughly 1928-1953, has been revolutionized during the past decade by evidence from the Soviet Archives; * The resistance of academic authorities and of many others, including many on the anti-capitalist left, to the truth about the Stalin period. * How the emerging truth about Stalin and the Stalin period in the USSR -- the most heroic period of the world communist movement of the 20th century -- changes our understanding of both Soviet and world history in the 20th century. * What the truth about the Stalin period has to teach socialists and commun
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