Hickeys | Hickey Hickey Bang Bang

Hickey Hickey Bang Bang is the 3rd song of our new EP, Diamond Munch. Releases January 19th, 2018 We are Hickeys: Maite Barrena, drums. Martina Gil Compairé, bass. Ana Erice, guitar. Marta Kunitsa, guitar. __________________________________ Lyrics: Honestly, I wanna tell you the truth There’s a guy in the hood With a blondy around, though She’s so exotic, she’s so cool She’s smart, an intellectual boom But she didn’t know I banged banged with this jo’ -Oh bang bang, oh hickey bang bang- Everything happened so fast... But he had a hickey hickey on his neck! Hickey hickey bang bang Hickey hickey bang bang Hickey hickey WHAT? Hickey hickey! Hickey hickey bang bang! Hickey hickey bang I should say but I can’t say, that girl is really OK (okay?) Indeed, his friends started asking him “what’s that hickey, MATE!?” His chest was full of my hickey-
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