CRIME STOPPERS! Compilation of Rep Clay Higgins When Captain of St. Landry Parish Sheriff’s Office

I have grown to love Rep. Clay Higgins and want to bring attention to his great work and show how much we need men like him! This is a compilation of the Crime Stoppers weekly commercials of wanted criminals in St. Landry Parish in Louisiana from the time when Clay Higgins was Captain of the St. Landry Parish Sheriff’s Office. ENJOY! THANKS, A BUNCH FOR WATCHING❗️ PLEASE LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and SHARE❗️ WATCH FULL PLAYLIST HERE: ➡️ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ SOCIAL MEDIA: TRUTH SOCIAL: ➡️ @ponchynews GETTR: ➡️ GAB: ➡️ FACEBOOK: ➡️ Interested In Starting a YouTube Channel? Here are some MUST-HAVE TOOLS to help you start! MorningFame Link
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