Israel ACCUSED Of War Crimes by Europe; BOYCOTT Judea & Samaria Calls Grow | Watchman Newscast LIVE

On today’s Watchman Newscast Livestream, host Erick Stakelbeck breaks down growing calls from Europe and Washington, D.C. to boycott Israeli communities in the Biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria. Plus, the European Parliament accuses Israel of war crimes while ignoring Palestinian terror from the likes of Hamas. Does the Bible provide clues that this sort of anti-Israel sentiment will only intensify in the days to come? Watch now. #Israel #Europe #Judea #Samaria #TheWatchman Be sure to leave your questions for Erick in today’s live chat, and you can leave future questions for Erick in the comments section! Shop The Watchman merch now: Check out our channel for MORE and be sure to subscribe. Watch full episodes of The Watchman with Erick Stakelbeck for FREE on the TBN App: The Watchman Show is LIVE Thursdays 10PM ET // Fridays 6:30PM ET on TBN FOLLOW ERICK:
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