Shane Hamman | 420 kg / 925 lbs at the 1995 USPF Nationals
Shane Hamman at the 1995 USPF Nationals squatting 420 kg / 925 lbs for an opener. In his second he manage 437,5 kg / 964 lbs and in his last he tried 455 kg / 1003 lbs but didn’t make it. He totaled 1020 kg / 2248 lbs and won the super heavyweight.
Shane Hamman was a powerlifter in the early 90s and then in the late 90s converted to weightlifter. He won three america USPF National titles and finished second and third at worlds. His best lift in powerlifting was without a doubt his squat. He performed a 10
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Shane Hamman | 420 kg / 925 lbs at the 1995 USPF Nationals
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