Marie Kreutzer & Vicky Krieps on Adapting the Life of a Queen in Corsage | NYFF60

Director Marie Kreutzer and lead Vicky Kriep discuss the making of Corsage, a Main Slate selection at the 60th New York Film Festival. Moderated by NYFF Programmer Rachel Rosen. In a perceptive, nuanced performance, Vicky Krieps (Phantom Thread) quietly dominates the screen as Empress Elizabeth of Austria, who begins to see her life of royal privilege as a prison as she reaches her fortieth birthday. Marie Kreutzer boldly imagines Elizabeth’s cloistered, late-19th-century world within the Austro-Hungarian Empire with both austere realism and fanciful anachronism, while staying true and intensely close to the woman’s private melancholy and political struggle amidst a crumbling, combative marriage and escalating scrutiny. Star and director have together created a remarkable vision of a strong-willed political figure whose emergence from a veiled, corseted existence stands for a Europe on the cusp of major, irrevocable transformation. An IFC Films release. More info: Subscrib
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