Перевод на английский:
Lady, since I have chosen you,
be gracious to me,
for all my life I am
at your command.
I will be at your command
all the days of my life,
and will never leave you
for any other.
For Erec did not love Enide,
nor Iseut Tristan,
as much as I do you, gracious lady,
whom I love without deceit.
Оригинал на старом окситанском:
Domna, pos vos ay chausida,
faz me bel semblan,
q’ieu suy a tota ma vida
a vostre coman.
A vostre coman seray
a totz los jors de ma via,
e ja de vos non partray
per degun’ autra que sia.
Que Erecs non amet Henida
tan, ni Yseutz Tristan,
con yeu v
...os, domna grasida,
qu’ieu am sens engan.
EVO Live (Lugo/Spain, 22/5/2010) at the “Festival de Música Cidade de Lugo“
Efrén López : hammered psaltery
Iván López : voice
Miriam Encinas: vielle
Laia Puig : bagpipe
Pedram Khavar Zamini: tombakShow more