Parents furious after school feet licking video emerges

Oh dear, were you having a nice Monday? Time to ruin that with a video from a school in Oklahoma, in which students lick peanut butter off each other’s toes for ‘charity.’ The toe-curling footage comes courtesy of Deer Creek High School, which hosted a series of fundraisers involving students in grades 9-12. Parents have called the leaked footage ‘deeply disturbing,’ while an anonymous student told reporters they were ‘shocked’ and ‘kind of disgusted’ at what took place. The Deer Creek school district has released a statement confirming the authenticity of the footage, but claiming the students had taken part ‘voluntarily,’ and that no staff or adults had been involved. However, State Superintendent Ryan Walters has announced that the school will now be investigated, writing on X, ‘This is disgusting. We are cleaning up this filth in Oklahoma schools.’
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