Okulovskaya Textile Factory Kulotino 1905

Дореволюционная Россия на фотографиях Окуловская мешочная фабрика. Кулотино. 1905 Фото из альбома Алексея Волкова Pre-revolutionary Russia in photographs The Okulovskaya Textile Factory Kulotino 1905 Photographs taken by Aleksey Volkov Kulotino was founded in 1882 as a settlement around the textile factory called Okulovskaya. The factory was located in the Province of Novgorod, situated on the River Peretna a few kilometres from the town of Okulovka. In 1913 the factory was considered one of the largest enterprises in the province This album of photographs were taken in the year 1905. The factory is now closed. Music: Nocturne by Cezar Cui
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