Alternate Polish Countries

MUSIC 00:00 Mazurek Dąbrowskiego 01:10 Chłopcy silni jak stal 01:43 Chopin Polonaise Military 02:15 Czerwony Sztandar 02:48 Jak szło wojsko 03:21 Tants, yidelekh, tants! 03:55 Gaude Mater Polonia 04:28 Pieśń Obrońców Częstochowy 05:00 Bogurodzica 05:34 Warszawianka 06:07 Taczanka 06:40 Boże coś Polskę 07:13 When Janeczek Returns From War! The Countries in the video are “ALTERNATIVE“, which means they are in a different universe or timeline. The video represents “ALTERNATIVE“ history, which means it is history in an different timeline, or universe. Different from our reality
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