Nero meets Agnus for the first time

Agnus: So, you’ve come. Just as I’d expected. Nero: Who the hell are you? Agnus: I am Agnus. Working in secrecy, very few are p-p-p-privy to my existence. Nero: Funny, to figure an Order official out for a scroll in a hellhole kinda place like this Agnus: “Hellhole“!? Watch your words! Just as fouled mouthed as I had heard.... The rumors prove true. As will the new ones concerning your d-d-d-demise. Nero: Don’t you think that’s a little harsh? Killing me because of the way I t-t-t-talk? Great. More demons. Agnus: This... this is all Credo’s doing. It was Credo who ordered you to follow Dante... It was Credo who brought you here! Nero: Dante...? You mean the man that killed his holiness? What the hell is going on here?! Agnus: I don’t have to answer to you. For you are already as good as d-d-d-dead. Nero: I beg to differ.
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