Primeval Hamster Dance

I just had to try this out. Was in a goofy mood so I made a fun video. It’s mostly about the Diictodons with some Rex at the end, hope you enjoy. Tell me what you think, please comment. *Update* This video was made with children in mind. Now I don’t mind people speaking their minds, if you don’t like the video you don’t have to. What I do ask is that you keep the comments clean. I won’t stand for swearing or rude behavior. There was a comment I had just removed because of the harshness of it. Any comments containing swears with be deleted. Anyone being rude, or abusive, will be banned from commenting on my videos. A commenter was very rude, so instead of arguing with him, and in turn giving what he wanted, I simply banned him. This serves as a warning to everyone who wishes to comment harshly. Keep it clean, keep in nice, and keep you comments on here.
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