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Chiba Masashi / Born in Miyagi prefecture in 1944. After graduating from Kogotanourin High School, he was hired by the Metropolitan Police Department. 3 All Japan Championship titles, 2 World team Championship titles, 4 National Police Team Championship titles, 1 National Sports Tournament Title, 1 Meiji village Kendo Championship title. Former occupation; the Metropolitan Police Department honorary teacher Kendo, Hitotsubashi University Instructor. Hanshi 8th dan.
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Pull him out and hit the men
“I will cut your men“
I will explain how to kamae in jodan
Bring your left foot forward from chudan
and bring your hands up to jodan
The position of the left hand is described in the Japanese Kendo kata...
to place it one fist distance from the left side of the forehead.
When actually doing with a shinai,
it is better to hold it a fist or two further away.
I think that it is a position that makes it easier...
to strike down, or perform nuki waza
when the opponent attacks.
I think that it is easier if your left hand
has two fists of space from your forehead.
The tip of the sword is slightly pointing to the right.
Don’t keep your elbows stretched or bent too much.
bring them up naturally.
With this attitude, you will intimidate your opponent and enter the battle with the opponent
As you can see. In jodan, both kote,
left kote, right right, tsuki and do..
It’s all open
Therefore, in this kamae...
you have to always be ready to strike
simultaneously to my opponent
Therefore, you always need to have a strong attitude as if you would swallow up your opponent from above.
If you don’t have that attitude,
there is no point to it at all.
Next, when lowering,
don’t try to strike with only your left hand
The pulling down of the right hand is important.
The striking power of the left hand is increased by the pulling of the right.
When striking men from jodan...
send pressure from the left fist with the feeling of
“I will cut your kote!“
Put pressure on the kote.
This will open his guard
and you strike men immediately.
When striking men,
threaten the kote.
Like this.
When striking kote from jodan..
Apply pressure to the men.
In this case, the opponent
will want to protect the men.
strike kote when the hand is raised.
From here...
“I will cut your men“
Like this.
As I have shown just now,
the general targets in jodan...
are kote and men.
Pressure kote, and strike men.
Pressure men, and strike kote.
However your opponent might
be launching fierce attacks.
In that case, if he aims for kote,
you can go for degashira men.
When you put pressure
and you think he is coming for kote,
Pull out the opponent and hit degashira men.
When your opponent
aims for kote or tsuki...
Strike men while he comes for tsuki.
I think that it is most effective to aim for
degashira men, against kote or tsuki.
We are always aiming for degashira men.
But sometimes you might be too late.
If the opponent comes for kote at that time,
strike down his attack (uchi-otoshi) and strike men.
That is the strategy.
This is kote uchi-otoshi men.
When trying to go for men from jodan...
some people sense it and parry from the omote side to then strike gyaku-do.
At that time, put pressure on the men
and strike kote with both hands.
Let me try it.
This is a known technique.
If you try to go for men,
and he comes forward even more and try to just block..
At that precise moment, jump for do with both hands
one more time...
Sometimes the opponent’s attack is so severe that
you can’t get the timing right to strike degashira men.
In this situation, you could invite a kote attack,
pull out your hand and strike the men. (nuki)
If you pull your hands backwards too much...
Your opponent will overwhelm you.
So rather pull your hands upwards.
In this moment, pull upwards and strike.
I believe this is an effective method.
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