Segrave demonstrates his Mystery car (1927)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Major Sir Henry Segrave (noted race car driver) drives his car, the 1000 HP Mystery, before a crowd at Brooklands Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: The 206 Mile Per Hour Car ENGLAND: Surrey: Weybridge: Brooklands: EXT Whit Monday meeting at Brooklands - Major Segrave Henry Segrave, auto racing, race car, speed record, Sir Henry O’Neil de Hane Segrave Background: Major Sir Henry Segrave (noted race car driver) drives his car, the 1000 HP Mystery, before a crowd at Brooklands FILM ID: VLVA7BHIUMRAG77AHG5PVO2GBDPHV To lic...ense this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
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